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Terraform backends

It specyfie where and hwo operation are performed and where the snapshot are stored Standard backends(ussualy third-party backends e.g.AWS S3) - The defualt is local - u can pass another state file to cross refrence-stacs - only store state - does not perform terrafor operations - to perform operation uses CLI on you local machine

# It storse the state files
backend "s3"{
    bucket = "terraform-state000"
    key = "statefile"
    region = "eu-central-1"

Standard Backends Enhanced backends - can both sotre state - can perform terraform operations - Local files and data sotred locally - Remote files and data stored in the Cloud - The Terraform Clourd Run Enviroment is responsble for executing the operation - When using repote backedn u need to set Workspaces - (single via name multiple via prefix)

Cloud block is the preffered way but u can still use remote backed block

       terraform {
       cloud {
   hostname     = ""
   organization = "foo"
   workspaces {
     # single Workspace
     name   = "my-single-workspace"
     prefix = "my-app-second-workspace"


Becouse u run this in a cloud enviroment

Your provider crediatinals need to be configured in as Env Vars in Terraform cloud

Backend Initialization

The backednd-config falg for terraform init used for partial backend configuration - Use when the backend seting are dynamic or sensitive Baiscly u run this form another file Backend Initialization

[Terraform State Locking]({{\< ref “posts/cloud/terraform/”>}})

[Terraform Remote state]({{\< ref “posts/cloud/terraform/”>}})