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Selinux policies

When system starts the policies are loaded into memory


Don’t write your own policies for the apps.

Use Containers!

If they fail, use a tool like udica to label them.

If you absolutely have to, then clone context from the existing app, like Nginx.

Guide to write a policy

List modules

semodule -l 


listing the predefained policies

semange port  -l 

Changing the context

  1. first tell selinux what should be the defult value
  2. *Then change it with restorecon**

Not standard ports

Sel has policies for the standard port

To change the policy to something different

range can be specyfied via -

semange -a -t  http_port_t -p tcp 444-333
  • -mis to modyfie already existing policy
  • -d to delete
  • -t type
  • -a add

U can check for only your customization wiht -lC

$ semanage port -lC

SELinux Port Type              Proto    Port Number

grafana_port_t                 tcp      3000
[root@localhost Notes]# [

Permissive policies

semange permissive -l


It’s when u have to enable a option in the policy thats prevented by default Docks

  • Set the boolen yourself
sudo semanage boolean -m -on http_allow_homedirs
  • Check boolens set by users
semanage boolean -l -C

List of set boolens by user is stored in (old verisons)



Install setroubleshoot-server to deal with the message

[Selinux MAIN]({{\< ref “posts/”>}}) [Selinux Containers]({{\< ref “posts/redhat/”>}})