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Amazon Machine Image

customization of Ec2instance

aws marketplace - You add your own softweare configration etc .. - Faster boot because all softere is pre-backed - Ami are built for a sepcyfic regian (can be copeid across regions)

All u ussualy need is to create the image and this will show the ami - AMI Procces( from an EC2 instance) 1. Start Ec2 instance and custimize it 2. Stop the instance 3. Build Ami (this also create the Ebs snapshots) 4. Launch instance from other AMI’s

No-Reboot Option

create ami without shuting down the instance

NOTE By defualt this is not selected

U may not have the file system integrity No reboot vs reboot you

Aws Backup Plans

this won’t help u prserve the file system integrity

NOTE It doesn’t reboot the ec2 while doing the snapchot

To addres that u need to provide the reboot parameter while taking image
| Defualt AMI backup(not shuting down) | Lambda setup backup (shuting down) | |——————|——————| | Image 1 | Image 2 |
## AMI in Production - You can force users to only launch EC2 instances from pre-approved AMI’s using IAM policies - Combine with AWS config to find not complient EC2 instances(launched with non-approved AMIs) iam perrmissions for ami
### Cross-Account AMI Sharing - You can share an AMI wiht another AWS account - Sharing AMI does not affect the ownership - U can only hsare AMI’s with - unencrypted volumes - voulems encrypted with the customer key - u need to share the key
Ami Sharing with KMS
#### Cross-Account AMI Copy - When copy the shared AMI u become the owner - The source owner must grant u read perrmisions for the storages that backs the AMI - If encrypted then must have a key - Can ecnrytp the AMI with your own CMK while copying Copy Ami
  • [Ec2 Builder]({{\< ref “posts/sysops_aws_cert/ec2_instances/”>}})

  • Ec2instance